Walking on the ancient streets, walking in the crowded markets, walking on the quiet rooftops. A semester of walking in Israel at Calvary Chapel Bible College.

Thursday 22 January 2009

Just the Beginning.

Well for those of you out there who care about what I'm doing over in Israel, I'm walking. Walking has been around for awhile, I'm sure of this. I know because I now live in Jerusalem, and it is a very old city, and walking is quite popular here. Today is my first (of many) days in the city. Four months can fly by, but here I think it will walk. I love bicycles. They provide the sense of unity with ones surroundings that walking has, but they are faster and less tiring. When you walk for a while you start to feel every step you take. On a bicycle you can just coast, and not work at all. But when walking, one must continue. 
I'll be honest, I didn't walk to Israel. I had two very long flights. My first flight from California to London was 10 hours and very enjoyable (as far as ten hour flights go). Then after a 5 hour layover in London, I flew to Tel Aviv, which was not as enjoyable. It was a crowded flight, and many people were trying to switch seats and it was all very stressful and cramped. I was in the last row in the aisle. Many people enjoyed waiting for the bathroom and standing very close to me, awkwardly close. There was also turbulence, bad turbulence, right when the stewardess gave me my cup of water. It was a good choice. I drank most of the water, the rest I spilled on myself. A man fainted. We were all glad to get to Tel Aviv, especially the crying baby. 
The airport was nothing new. Security, customs, baggage claim, the works. With some help I got the last seat in a bus to Jerusalem. On one side was a man from baltimore, on the other a couple from Argentina. So I had a nice conversation with both parties in their native languages. I was hastily dropped off right out side my new home, having no idea where it actually was. Luckily a man came out to meet me. 
I got well acquainted with the dorm and its 5 other inhabitants rather quickly. As of now we're still waiting for one more guy to come to make it a nice and complete total of 7 guys. There are 11 girls a floor down. The next morning I got properly settled in and took a walk around the city with another guy. Then we had registration at the school where I met the rest of the student body. It was a fun time. Everyone is awesome, so thats good. No un-awesome people. Then a big group (maybe 8) went out and had some lunch and walked around the Old City a bit. It was slow going but that was to be expected. Now I'm a cold room with the heater unplugged 5 feet from me and copious amounts of warm clothes in the next room, but I wont do it. 
More later. 

(Pictures  1. The Western wall. 2. The school, 2nd floor windows. 3. At the airport in London)


  1. I think the first picture didn't upload...

  2. Keep walking and seeing and looking with your heart. How special to be in His Holy City in His Holy Land. Glad only the cool people came to Jerusalem. Keep blogging.
